LFY Consulting, offers international coaching and consulting services for achievement oriented business professionals that are in a managerial or directorial level position, that have thought about leaving their job or starting their own business due to feeling stuck and unfulfilled.
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Live Fearlessly hosted by Dr. Benjamin Ritter

Welcome to the Live Fearlessly podcast with your host Dr. Benjamin Ritter.

The Live Fearlessly podcast is focused on highlighting the stories of intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs that are truly living for themselves. Our mission is to inspire others to do the same, at work and in life.

Interested in learning more, go to www.liveforyourselfconsulting.com/

If you enjoy the show please share with a friend and leave a review on iTunes.

Dr. Benjamin Ritter, author of Becoming Fearless, and founder of Live for Yourself Consulting is a leadership and career coach, Sr Talent Management Consultant, values geek, international speaker, podcaster, author, and passionate about guiding others in finding, creating, and sustaining a career they love.

Embrace Your Awesomeness With Brad Montgomery

In this interview we spoke with Brad Montgomery who teaches people how to use emotional & social to boost performance, creativity, innovation & profits. He turns typical meetings into transformational events using, the power of encouragement. Oh, and he’s pretty funny.

Brad has transformed audiences in all 50 states and on four continents. His clients include Microsoft, Verizon, the FBI (yes, that FBI) the CIA (yes, that CIA) and the IRS (where he withheld 30% of his best strategies.)

Brad specializes in using humor, interactivity, sound, music and visuals to ignite audiences so that they can use happiness as a tool to improve their lives and their jobs.

Audiences and meeting planners describe Brad as “authentic.” He’s a real guy on stage and off. Thinking of a canned & over-polished motivational speaker? Brad is the polar opposite.

Other speakers TALK about happiness. But Brad SHOWS them how to harness the power of happiness in hands-on experiences that they’ll remember and implement. It’s the difference between a “speech” and an “event.”

Benjamin Ritter