LFY Consulting, offers international coaching and consulting services for achievement oriented business professionals that are in a managerial or directorial level position, that have thought about leaving their job or starting their own business due to feeling stuck and unfulfilled.
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Live Fearlessly hosted by Dr. Benjamin Ritter

Welcome to the Live Fearlessly podcast with your host Dr. Benjamin Ritter.

The Live Fearlessly podcast is focused on highlighting the stories of intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs that are truly living for themselves. Our mission is to inspire others to do the same, at work and in life.

Interested in learning more, go to www.liveforyourselfconsulting.com/

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Dr. Benjamin Ritter, author of Becoming Fearless, and founder of Live for Yourself Consulting is a leadership and career coach, Sr Talent Management Consultant, values geek, international speaker, podcaster, author, and passionate about guiding others in finding, creating, and sustaining a career they love.

Conscious Choices with Yannick Jacob

Yannick Jacob is an Existential Life and Leadership Coach (MA), a Positive Psychologist (MSc), a Coach Trainer & Supervisor (DIP) and a Mediator (SPCP Dispute Resolution). He’s the Program Director of the Accredited Certificate in Integrative Coaching (ACIC) at the School of Positive Transformation (for which he’s gathered many of the world’s most influential coaches and pioneers) and he was the Programme Leader of the MSc Coaching Psychology at the University of East London (2015-18). Yannick is part of the teaching faculties at The School of Life, Animas Centre for Coaching and the International Centre for Coaching Supervision. His love for coaching, positive existential philosophy and personal development is contagious and he loves to challenge people to think, learn & grow, to explore the BIG questions and to appreciate the whole spectrum of what life has to offer.

As a coach Yannick partners with his clients to help them lead and navigate their lives and careers, to make big decisions and, ultimately, find ways to be happy. His long-term vision is to inspire the world to embrace their human condition in all its beautiful and challenging facets and to create a more meaningful human experience. Yannick presents at conferences internationally and his semonal book An Introduction to Existential Coaching was published by Routledge, the world’s leading academic publisher.

Benjamin Ritter