LFY Consulting, offers international coaching and consulting services for achievement oriented business professionals that are in a managerial or directorial level position, that have thought about leaving their job or starting their own business due to feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

Articles - Career Coaching for Leaders

Some thoughts from Dr. Benjamin Ritter, Career Coach for Leaders…read more and connect with him on LinkedIn

11 Transformative Questions to Unlock Your Career Path and Leadership Purpose

At some stage in every professional's journey, there is a moment when the future appears uncertain. This uncertainty can arise from challenging events like a difficult performance review, a company downsizing, or a personal loss, leading to doubts about your current situation.

Perhaps you have achieved a high level of success, only to find it uninspiring and devoid of meaning. During these periods of reflection, doubts and fears can obscure your vision, making it difficult to see a clear path forward.

The unknown can leave you feeling stuck, but there is a hidden truth. The answers you are seeking are already within you, waiting to be discovered through open-minded reflection. To assist you on this journey and guide you in the right direction, I present 11 thought-provoking questions designed for leadership and career coaching.

Get comfortable, as you will want to take your time with these. Find a quiet place where you can concentrate without distractions. It's time to become curious about yourself:

  1. Reflect on the last five books you have read or podcasts you have listened to. What fascinated you about these subjects?

  2. Imagine overhearing a conversation; which topics would irresistibly capture your attention or compel you to join in?

  3. If you could return to school and study three different subjects or majors, what would they be?

  4. Envision a world where work is optional. List 10 activities you would spend your time on. Choose three that would benefit the world in some way.

  5. Wake up tomorrow as your own boss. What changes would you make in your job? What would you start or stop doing?

  6. List the tasks you engage in to procrastinate from work you are avoiding. These tasks often lead to a sense of flow, where you lose track of time. What do they reveal about your preferences?

  7. Dive into your past work experiences. What aspects did you genuinely enjoy? Consider your roles, colleagues, and the nature of the organizations.

  8. Reflect on your previous jobs. What didn't resonate with you, and why?

  9. Recollect the projects from your career that still fill you with a sense of pride. What made them special?

  10. What talents or skills do people seek you out for? These are hints to your unique strengths.

  11. Imagine creating five clones of yourself, each with a different job. What professions would they pursue? Which job would you assign to the real you?

If you've approached these questions with honesty, an open mind, and courage, you likely have identified a few potential paths that intrigue you, perhaps even call out to you. Embrace these insights and commit to exploring where each of these ideas leads you. True clarity begins with information but is shaped and brought to life through action. Let the adventure commence!


Interested in how a coach can help you create a fulfilling career? Schedule a time to chat here.

- Ben

Benjamin Ritter