LFY Consulting, offers international coaching and consulting services for achievement oriented business professionals that are in a managerial or directorial level position, that have thought about leaving their job or starting their own business due to feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

Articles - Career Coaching for Leaders

Some thoughts from Dr. Benjamin Ritter, Career Coach for Leaders…read more and connect with him on LinkedIn

The True Meaning of Work and Your Career

No matter how passionate and energized you feel by the work that you do, if you are always working on it, you're doing something wrong.

Think about what you truly are working for – it’s not to be able to work more.

We work to ultimately pay for the life we want to experience, but we often get lost in the stress and anxiety of “protecting” our careers, or the discomfort of figuring out what else to spend our free time on.

Work isn’t something that can replace or sustain your life – that’s why it’s called “working” and not “living.” If all you do is work, then your priorities aren’t in alignment with what work is truly for: to create a life that fulfills you.

The only way you're going to get used to not working is to create more moments when you aren’t working.

Consider the times you work outside of “typical” work hours and cut out 1-2 instances each week where you usually work off-hours: going in early, staying late, working on weekends.

Another way to work less is to make plans that require you to leave: scheduling a weekly lunch or dinner with a friend or taking an evening class.

Keep making changes until the time you spend at work is less than the combined time you spend with friends, and family, and on your growth.

Interested in how a coach can help you create a fulfilling career? Schedule a time to chat here.

- Ben

Benjamin Ritter